IUTIȘ V. MENOLA née CHELARIU, 2022, “Composition with a historical theme in the Romanian painting belonging to the heritage of the art museum in Iași”, supervisor Prof. Valentin Sava, PhD

LAZĂR ANDREI, 2022, “The multisensory experience of light. Interaction with the user in design”, supervisor Prof. Monica Pop, PhD

SECU C. CĂTĂLINA née APROFIREI, 2022, “Interactive applications for the artistic training of adolescents through visual arts”, supervisor Prof. Monica Pop, PhD

BRÎNZĂ F. ADRIAN – MIHAI, 2022, “Study and implementation of visual communication methods within a virtual art gallery”, supervisor Prof. Monica Pop, PhD

MOLDOVANU ANDREEA née CHIRILĂ, 2022, , “The local clothing style, from the communist period to the present”, supervisor Prof. Monica Pop, PhD

SASU M. CRISTINA – ELENA née, 2022, “The role of clothing in non-verbal communication”, supevisor Prof. Monica Pop, PhD

CALISTRU P. ANA – MARIA née, 2022, “The aesthetics of trauma in historical comics”, supervisor Prof. Athena-Elena Simionescu, PhD

SEMENOV, A. LAURA née LUPESCU 2022 “Visual arts and their therapeutic effect”, supervisor Prof. Adrian Stoleriu, PhD


ALEXII C. IONUȚ CRISTIAN, 2021, “Creating and developing a career in visual arts”, supervisor Associate prof. Cristian Ungureanu, PhD;

CERNAT G. GEORGE, 2021, “The importance of accent and plastic rhythm in the representation of the pictorial portrait”, supervisor Prof. Valentin Sava, PhD;

CORCĂCEL V. CONSTANTIN – ADRIAN, 2021, “The pastel technique, between tradition and contemporaneity”, supervisor Prof. Valentin Sava, PhD;

DUMITRAȘ E. MAXIM, 2021, “Circled absences sculpture-nature, tradition, meaning, modernity”, supervisor Prof. Dan Covataru, PhD;

MUSCALU I. DARIA – SARAH, 2021, “Dimensions of visuality, post-media interventions in recent history, archive and memory”, supervisor Prof. Matei Bejenaru, PhD;

OPREA I. ALINA – GINA, 2021, Interdisciplinarity in plastic education”, Scientific supervisor, Prof. Dan Covataru, PhD;

BABAN M. RALUCA GEORGETA née SCHIPOR, 2021, “Expressions of temporality in modern and contemporary art”, supervisor Prof. Valentin Sava, PhD;

SIMIONESCU I. BIANCA, 2021, “Digital illustration in the interconnection of computerized art forms”, supervisor Prof. Valentin Sava, PhD;


POHRIB T. GRAȚIELA – MANUELA, 2020, “Visual arts in the curative education of children with special needs”, supervisor Prof. Valentin Sava, PhD;

TEODOR – STANCIU TIBERIU, 2020, “Conceptualization and implementation of signaling systems”, supervisor Prof. Monica Pop, PhD

BOROȘ Ș. BIANCA – ELENA, 2020, “Remixing time-honoured works of art in the light of contemporary painting techniques”, supervisor Assoc. prof. Cristian Ungureanu, PhD;

DRINCEANU S. ANA – SABINA, 2020, “Pop culture and contemporary book illustration”, supervisor Prof. Valentin Sava, PhD;

PĂUN T. LEONTIN – GABRIEL, 2020, “Projections of femininity in the visual arts in the light of  the collective subconscious”, supervisor Prof. Dan Covataru, PhD;

TARAȘI MIHAI, 2020, “The art gallery. The contemporary meaning of the artistic space”, supervisor Prof. Jeno Bartos, PhD;


ZAHARIA M. OANA – MIHAELA née COCÂRȚĂ, 2019, “The human body and its carnivalesque image in contemporary visual expression”, supervisor Prof. Valentin Sava, PhD;

TIMOFTE ANDREI – CLAUDIU, 2019, “The social factory of desire: work and cultural memory in the creative industries after the 90s”, supervisor Prof. Matei Bejenaru, PhD;

PANTEA C. ANDREI – ALECSANDRU, 2019, “The artist’s book in contemporary visual perception”, supervisor Dan Covataru, PhD;

SĂLĂJAN – DANIELA née PRISACARU, 2019, “Art and science in oil painting restoration. Nicolae Grigorescu and Ştefan Luchian in the collection of the art museum in Iași”, supervisor Prof. Valentin Sava, PhD;

DUMITRESCU O. RALUCA – MARILENA, 2019, “16th – 17th century Romanian icons. Restoration of icon art as part of the cultural treasury”, supervisor Jeno Bartos, PhD;

FRENȚESCU I. GH. IULIA – ELENA née ISPAS, 2019, “Visual plastic expressions in the urban cultural landscape” supervisor Prof. Valentin Sava, PhD;


HODOROABĂ RALUCA – SIMONA, 2018, “The ornament in contemporary visual art”, supervisor Prof. Jeno Bartos, PhD;

Petrea A.V. Alina – Ioana, 2018, “The atypical multisensory experience in advertising”, supervisor Prof. Dan Covataru, PhD;

WEBER MIRELA – ILEANA née ANDREȘCOV, 2018, “Erminia of architecture. Erminia of painting: from Vitruvius to Manuel Panselinos and Dionysius of Furna”, supervisor Prof. Tereza Sinigalia, PhD;

GROSU IRINA, 2018, “Technologies and expressions in contemporary mural ceramics”, supervisor Jeno Bartos, PhD;

PÎNZARIU FLORIN, 2018, “The poster – a medium for the visual communication of information”, supervisor Valentin Sava, PhD;

ALTIPARMAC ANCA, 2018, “Buildings of the nobles during the reign of Petru Rareș. The noble Mateiaș – Coșula monastery. A case study”, supervisor Prof. Tereza Sinigalia, PhD;


ZAHARIEA GEORGIANA – CRISTINA, 2017, “The pronaos and exonarthex of the Sucevița monastery church. Composition and style, from the perspective of restoration” supervisor Tereza Sinigalia, PhD;

ANDRONIC MĂDĂLINA – LUCIA, 2017, “Expression and communication in the contemporary portrait”, supervisor Prof. Valentin Sava, PhD;

ROIBU RADU – TIBERIU, 2017, “Visual geometric systems, between objectivity and subjectiviy”, supervisor Prof. Dan Covataru, PhD;

ŞTEFĂNESCU A. MIRELA – ADRIANA née GHIRVU, 2017, “The visual art of Iași after 1989”, supervisor Jeno Bartos, PhD;

IUȚIȘ ALEXANDRA – OTILIA, 2017, “Landscape in the Romanian paintings belonging to the heritage of the art museum in Iasi”, supervisor Prof. Valentin Sava, PhD;

DROBOTĂ Maria – Magdalena, 2017, “Extracted mural paintings – history, restoration and enhancement”, supervisor Tereza Sinigalia, PhD;


PALAMAR IOANA, 2016, “Self-portrait in contemporary Romanian painting”, supervisor Prof. Valentin Sava, PhD;

MACOVEI C. DORIN, 2016, “Monumental painting in the era of Petru Rareş. Tradition and renewal”, supervisor Tereza Sinigalia, PhD;

FRUMUŞELU P. DOINA, 2016, “Brâncuşi – the reception of his contemporaries and the comments of posterity”, supervisor Tereza Sinigalia, PhD;

AFTENE T. FELIX, 2016, “Contemporary Visual Arts between Plastic Space and Intermedia Space”, supervisor Jeno Bartos, PhD;

APOSTUL C. ELENA – IRINA, “Contemporary art and the Pop Art phenomenon”, supervisor Prof. Valentin Sava, PhD;

STANCIU SILVIU – TEODOR, Abs. 2016, “The tram, outcome of the relationship between product design and urban aesthetics”, supervisor Prof. Dan Covătaru, PhD;

SOREANU CĂTĂLIN – FLORIN, Abs. 2016, “Art and Advertising. Media of expression in contemporary advertising”, supervisor Jeno Bartos, PhD;

APROTOSOAEI IFTIMI ANA – MARIA née IFTIMI, Abs. 2016, “Contemporary visual art in school education”, supervisor Jeno Bartos, PhD;

POPOVICI V. CRISTIAN – GEORGE, Abs. 2016, “Narrative constructions in the photography integrated into the performance”, supervisor Prof. Valentin Sava, PhD;

SIMIONESCU ATENA – ELENA, 2016, “Relief pattern – implications on the evolution of civilization”, supervisor Prof. Dan Covătaru, PhD;

GHIOC E. ALEXANDRA – ȘTEFANA, Abs. 2016, “Interactivity in modern and postmodern furniture design”, supervisor  Dan Covătaru, PhD;


STRATON CONSTANTIN, 2015, “Religious mural painting in Romania, between tradition and modernity”, supervisor Prof. Valentin Sava, PhD;

GHEORGHIEȘ (TEODORU) ROXANA née ANTON, 2015, “Visual-plastic interpretations of musical expression”, supervisor Prof. Valentin Sava, PhD;

BOSTAN SMARANDA – GEORGIANA, 2015, “Visual artistic representations in contemporary jewelry”, supervisor Prof.  Dan Covătaru, PhD;

HALIMA BEN HADJ MOLDI, 2015, “Ethical design: stakes and challenges”, supervisor Tereza Sinigalia, PhD;

APROZIANU ANDREEA, 2015, “The languages of sculpture between mnemonics and memes”, supervisor Prof. Dan Covătaru, PhD;

BOZ MARIEA, 2015, “Education through art. Artistic curriculum in the European spirit” supervisor Prof. Valentin Sava, PhD;

OBOROC DUMITRU, 2015, “Transfiguration of the everyday object in contemporary sculpture”, supervisor, Prof. Tereza Sinigalia, PhD;

TARAȘI MIHAIL, 2015, “The text as an expressive element of language in the visual arts”, supervisor Prof. Jeno Bartos, PhD;

VIERIU MĂDĂLINA, 2015, “The textile object”, supervisor Prof. Jeno Bartos, PhD;