Cristian UNGUREANU was born in 1972 in Iasi. After studying Painting at the former “George Enescu” Academy of Arts in Iași (1990-1996), he settled in Italy where he held several exhibitions in Bologna, Venice and Verona. After seven years (1996 – 2003) of research and artistic creation in Western Europe, he returned to Romania, began teaching at the “George Enescu” National University of Arts and defended his doctoral thesis “Dialogue between the sphere and the cube. [The secret geometry of European painting]” at the National University of Art in Bucharest (2010). Cristian Ungureanu has been the vice-rector of UNAGE since February 2020 and became PhD supervisor at IOSUD – UNAGE in 2016, with the thesis “Geometric composition in the visual arts and its transdisciplinary values”. Member of the International Center for Transdisciplinary Research and Studies (CIRET) in Paris and a well-known artist, Cristian Ungureanu has published several books and articles on art theory. He is the author of countless national and international conferences, more than 30 personal and collective exhibitions in Italy, France, the Russian Federation, Turkey and Romania; he is a member of the Union of Plastic Artists from Romania and collaborates with Dana art gallery from Iași. According to philosopher and physicist Basarab NICOLESCU, “Cristian UNGUREANU seems to be the successor of Matila GHYKA (1881-1965), specialist in the golden number and the synthesis of mathematics and poetry. He also masters the tools of art in the electronic age.” (from the introduction to the Romanian edition of the book The Golden Number by Matila Ghyka, Nemira Publishing House, Bucharest, 2016)
http://www.cristianungureanu.ro, http://www.ciret-transdisciplinarity.org, www.danagallery.ro