Prof. dr. habil. Anca Doina CIOBOTARU has been a PhD supervisor within IOSUD UNAGE Iași in Theatre and Performing Arts since 2017. She is the coordinator of the “Theatre Art – study and creation” research center and the “Theatrical Colloquia” magazine (since 2004), tenure-track professor in the Performing Arts BA and MA degree programs (since 2001), actor – puppeteer and creator of shows for children, initiator of the “Theatre Circle for Children with Special Needs” (1996), president and co-founder of the Art Civica association (2015). She has scientific contributions in the following fields: history of puppetry and performing arts, applied theatre, theatre in education, pedagogy of performing arts and theatrology – based on inter- and trans-disciplinary approaches. She is the author of numerous articles and conference papers (50 articles and studies), and organizer of workshops focused on the use of theatrical techniques in education, communication and personal development. These creative activities and artistic research led to involvement in various professional training internships (Improsport, Social Theater) or in projects in the same area.
Research interests: interpretive techniques, performance structures, history of performing arts – recovery of “memory”, anthropology and theatrical semiotics, creativity training in performing arts, applied theatre.
Email: ciobotaru_anca@yahoo.com