Ioana Petcu-Pădurean is an associate professor and a qualified PhD supervisor at the Faculty of Theatre within the “George Enescu” University of Arts in Iași, a theatre critic and author of books on theatrical and cinematography theory: Descendants of Thespis (2012), Imaginary Dialogues with Film (2015), History of the Romanian Theatre – course (2018), Fragmentarium with Shakespeare (2019). She is part of the Iași critics (member of the International Association of Theatre Critics), standing out in research and being active through local cultural projects. She is the author of several studies and articles published in academic journals from Romania, the Republic of Moldova, Germany and the United States of America. Within the Doctoral School of Theatre Iași, she specializes in the History of Universal Theatre and History of Romanian Theatre.
Email: ioana.petcu@arteiasi.ro