Codrina-Laura Ioniță graduated from “George Enescu” University of Arts, majoring in Easel Painting (class of prof. Adrian Podoleanu,1998) and from the Faculty of Philosophy at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University (2004). She also obtained a Master’s Degree in Imaginaire et rationalite: Philosophie, Arts, Sciences at Université de Bourgogne, Dijon in 2003. In 2006 she earned a joint-supervision doctoral degree at Université de Bourgogne and Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iasi; her PhD thesis was entitled Immanence and transcendence in the abstract art of the 20th century. She teaches the history and philosophy of art at the Faculty of Visual Arts and Design from UNAGE Iași and she has been a PhD supervisor since 2019.
Her scientific concerns are directed towards the history, phenomenology and hermeneutics of art. A meaningful understanding of the profound nature of the artistic phenomenon has become a “guiding idea” for the entire scientific research, and the revaluation in postmodernity of the elements recovered from the past and reinterpreted in the works of contemporary artists, both in universal as well as in Romanian art, has been the subject of several books, studies and articles published by important publishing houses, such as IGI Global, USA, Editions Universitaires de Lyon III, Editions du Center Gaston Bachelard, Dijon. Since 2014, she is the executive director of the Vasile Drăguț Medieval Art Research Center within the Faculty of Visual Arts and Design, and editor-in-chief of Anastasis, Research in Medieval Culture and Art (http://anastasis-review.ro/), a journal indexed in important international databases (SCOPUS, ERIH PLUS, EBSCO, DOAJ, CEEOL). Along with editing the Anastasis magazine, the Vasile Drăguț Center organized international and national symposia and colloquia, conferences and lectures with visiting professors from Romania and abroad.