Laura Otilia Vasiliu

Laura Otilia Vasiliu teaches Musical Analysis, Musicology and supervises doctoral theses. Her students have been awarded numerous prizes at national musicology contests; she has exceptional alumni who embraced teaching, scientific and artistic careers.

She has specialized in the analysis of modern and contemporary music, in the general musicology of this period. She published books, studies, articles, music criticism; she participated in numerous national and international symposia; she held conferences, gave open lectures, led several research projects, collaborated with radio shows.

She initiated and organized national and international scientific events – symposia, conferences, book launches; she coordinates the research center “Science of Music” (since 2016) and the journal ARTES. Journal of musicology, as editor-in-chief (since 2012). She is a member of UCMR since 2004 and of the International Musicological Society since 2017.

Interests and research areas:

  • Universal and Romanian musical creation from the first half of the 20th century;
  • Techniques for musical analysis (language, form, composition techniques);
  • Hermeneutics of interpretation and reception of musical creation;
  • History of musicology and music criticism;
  • The relationship between the musical phenomenon and social-political ideology;
  • History of music and musical education in Iași.